This Think Above Your Thought MP3 Syllabus contains 6 Hours uninterrupted teaching, this teaching will take you on a journey into the spiritual realm to help you create and experience of CONSCIOUSNESS ONENESS with God. {John 17:21 King James Version}
- Introduction to Teaching- 60.00 Minutes
- The Two Natures ~Rising Above my Thoughts- 60.00 Minutes
- Emotion Pain and Anger~ Delusion of Time- 60.00 Minutes
- Negativity & Suffering~ Psychological Time Problems are Illusions of the Mind ~Clock Time- 60.00 Minutes
- Freedom from Unhappiness Be Totally There- 60.00 Minutes
- Life’s Journey ~ Spiritual Consciousness- 60.00 Minutes
Product Price | $29.95 |
Product Description
According to the bible (KJV) Proverbs 23:7
This verse declares that man is the SUM-TOTAL of His thoughts. Man thoughts and beliefs create his world- his reality. We must constantly watch and monitor our thoughts, so that we can create the desired world that we wish to live in.
Thinking above the thoughts allow us an opportunity to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Each time we think above a thought, that thought looses it’s power and dissolve which creates a discontinuity in the MENTAL- STREAM. This discontinuity allows the INNER-MAN ( the real you) to become present with the ability to operate in the HERE & NOW (present moment) These MP3’s teaching will train you how to think above your thought.
Your thoughts create your reality. What you think about grows because that is where you focus your energy. Everything that exists today was once a thought in somebody’s mind this thought became reality through taking action in a focus way.
Learn to think above your thought!!!